
Challenges and opportunities while using security information and event management tools

In the fast-moving world, there are numerous challenges an organization comes across. The evident increase in the threats conducted by bad actors has become a humongous challenge for companies to find and tackle these issues. Hence in this situation, security information and event management tools play a crucial role. They act as an effective tool or method in which an organization can eventually analyze the data and the security measures in real time. This helps the organization to take steps proactively and try to mitigate the risks that are present and likely to be coming shortly. Numerous challenges and opportunities are associated with a security information and event management tool. The following article will discuss the challenges and opportunities of a security information and event management tool.
image of Challenges and opportunities while using security information and event management tools

 Challenges and opportunities of SIEM tools concerning the increasing threat landscape.

The challenges associated with security information and event management tools are as follows:

  1. The initial challenge associated with a security information and event management tool is data overloading, as it is evident that (SIEM) security information and event management tools ingest data from multiple sources such as security logs, network traffic, application data, etc. It leads to data overloading and creates a false positive response. The separation of meaningful data from noise or unwanted data becomes a huge task.
  2. Another challenge associated with security information and event management is the integration of the tool with preexisting systems or tools present in the organization. It is difficult to integrate the data from multiple sources in a large organization as the data could eventually have different protocols and data formats.
  3. To effectively utilize a (SIEM) security information and event management tool a person should be highly skilled, hence this becomes a difficult task for an organization to recruit an individual who has the wide range of pre-required skills to operate SIEM tools. In situations where the organization tends to utilize the present workforce and let them eventually use the security information and event management tools, the organization must put a lot of income and time into the training of the individuals in an organization who will be responsible for handling the (SIEM) security information and event management tools.
  4. As it is evident that cyber security threats keep on evolving with every passing day, therefore an organization needs to fine-tune its security information and event management tools regularly to ensure that the SIEM tool is used at its full capacity. The importance of meeting regulatory compliances is another challenge an organization must keep a keen eye on and work hard to meet the requirements.

The opportunities associated with (SIEM) security information and event management tools are as follows:

  1. The opportunities the (SIEM) security information and event management tools provide to an organization is that they help the organization in effectively identifying and tackling security-related threats in an early stage as they provide real-time analysis of the data to the organization. It increases the impact of the incident response plan of an organisation which helps the organisation to mitigate risks effectively.
  2. Even though there is a difficulty in setting up the security information and event management tools in the initial stages, it plays a crucial role in centralizing the security tools and providing a better approach towards security operations. It also eventually provides additional benefits of monitoring and analysing the data.
  3. The security information and event management tools which are advanced and equipped with the integration of machine learning could eventually predict and analyse the future trends. It ingests past data from multiple sources and tries to bring in constructive methods and ideas on how to tackle various cyber security threats. With these predictive threats analysis and methods to mitigate the risks, the organization can stay ahead of its competitors.
  4. One of the benefits of using a security information and event management tool is that it provides an organisation with the ability to scale and be flexible with its security measures or practices. It helps the organisation to eventually adapt its security infrastructure to tackle any new threats emerging in society. The usage of cloud-native security information and event management tools can help an organization in numerous ways such as ease of setting it up, scalability, and multi-region usage.

To conclude, these were a few of the challenges and opportunities SIEM tools provide an organization. Overall, it is a crucial tool, and it is highly recommended to set up a SIEM tool in the organization. It is equally important to monitor and fine-tune it regularly so that it can be used to provide better results and give good insights into the security operations of the organization.

SIEM Tools CyberSecurity Threat Intelligence Information Security Security Compliance