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image of Meeting Automation in the Digital Age
Meeting Automation in the Digital Age

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Under the impact of Covid 19, humans are moving to a whole new era of Meeting Management. Modern managers need more efficient ways of managing their daily meetings across organizations and calendars.

image of Emily Peng
Emily Peng

August 4

image of The Booming Gig Economy
The Booming Gig Economy

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As technology continues to develop at a lightning pace, digital platforms are more powerful than ever before. The word Gig economy, people can temporarily work for companies in their spare time, is born. “Full-time is out, and the Gig is in.”

image of Emily Peng
Emily Peng

July 16

image of A non-linear work model
A non-linear work model

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The nine-to-five work grind is all set to become ancient history as companies constantly evolve and learn to adapt to the new non-linear work approach.

image of Hitasha Mehta
Hitasha Mehta

July 13

image of How to be Productive with Timeboxing?
How to be Productive with Timeboxing?

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An Introduction to Time Boxing. Learn how Teamcal Ai can help you create a Timebox for your Team and align them with goals

image of Suman Gujju
Suman Gujju

June 23

image of TeamcalAi vs Chili Piper
TeamcalAi vs Chili Piper

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What sets the two scheduling tools apart?

image of Suman Gujju
Suman Gujju

June 22

image of ☕ The Ivy Lee Method — Monthly News letter May 2021
☕ The Ivy Lee Method — Monthly News letter May 2021

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“What gets scheduled gets done.” — Daniel Pink

image of Raj Lal
Raj Lal

June 3

image of How to Protect Work-Life Borders When It Seems They Do Not Exist Anymore?
How to Protect Work-Life Borders When It Seems They Do Not Exist Anymore?

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The never-ending struggle to find the perfect balance between professional and personal life seems to be getting crucial for mental and physical well-being. Here are 5 steps that would help to win this fight.

image of Ferdz Duterte
Ferdz Duterte

June 3

image of Online Meeting Etiquette Rules
Online Meeting Etiquette Rules

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Global pandemic brings a new norm in our life. We need to adapt ourselves to a new culture and embrace technology to increase the quality of life.

image of Kirill Klimov
Kirill Klimov

June 3

image of Holding Meetings in the Right Time are Essential
Holding Meetings in the Right Time are Essential

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What men daily do, not knowing what they do!

image of Ferdz Duterte
Ferdz Duterte

June 3